Alexander SOPHIEX - composer, multi-instrumentalist, virtuoso drummer, music and sound designer, artist, producer and founder of the charity Foundation for the support of inspired art Indigo Fund.

Brilliant representative of the genre New Age, Contemporary music, World Music, Neo Classical, Relax music as well as, the direction of "Fantasy" in painting.

The work of the composer-artist widely known throughout the world.

Name Alexander Sophiex one of the five best Russian composers of this genre.

Specialization – space music, music for relaxation, music for film and theatre, drum music, harmonizing music and painting.

Drums were the first instrument in the works of Alexander Sophiex. The first drum was made at the age of 4 years. The most lucid classes started a little later and of course, has become a favorite business of all life. Long classes and scrupulous study of the possibilities of rhythm gave a result. Increasing the amount of exercise required their fixation and systematization, which appeared in the author's school of drums, which was called "System of saturated play".

The school allows you to develop performance opportunities for drummers and achieve maximum self-control and liberation.

In 2005 in his native Belarus became the "Discovery of the year" and winner of the first national competition of electronic music in the category "First in first".

Recognized as the founder of the genre of spatial electro acoustic music in the country.

Debut solo album "Music for meditation" is recognized as the first ever country album of music for relaxation and recreation.

His music is recognized as medicinal and used by major international centers of beauty and health.

2007 - the Creator of the best musical show space music in the country. Concerts of the presentation of the new album "Weight of the Wind".

2007 - the Author of a unique exclusive music projects for one person, "Private Music".

2007 - the Author of this unique project SOSТОЯНИЕ featuring the best psychologists in the country.

2007 – Kiev. The winner of the first international film festival "Steps". Video premiere of "Chernobyl".

2008 – the First album of the series "Piano Instrumental Music"- "the Dream that you dream".

2008 – Music for the national environmental forum

2008 – Music for the musical "Ruby heart"

2009 – participation in the global project "Night of museums". Night outdoor concert in one of the nicest parks-museums of Europe in the Palace of Rumyantsev-Paskevich in Gomel.

2009 – the fifth edition of the large-scale album "Walking clouds". The first album with the participation of famous Ukrainian singer Katya Breeze.

2009 – concert for 2 national forum of world famous NEWAYS

2010 – establishment anthems international Corporation BIEKO

2010 – World's First!!! Concert New Age composer in the cultural and entertainment center "EUROPE". (Belarus)

2010 – participation in the global project "Night of museums".

2011 – winner of 2 international art festival "Talents unite the world ". Crimea, Koktebel.

2011 – diploma of the 2nd international art festival "Constellation of visions-2011". Moscow

2012 – special guest of the ceremony of awarding the participants of the national business competition Belarus "Brand of the year" Minsk

2012 - participant of the XII international scientific-practical conference "the Slavic world in the way of the future!" Minsk

2012 – international center of the Roerich Museum in Moscow concert – presentation of the exhibition space of the artist's "Slavish" Moscow

2012 – special guest international charity Tournament on mini-football "SENI CUP -2012" Minsk

2012 – Night museums 2012

2013 – contract with the American company WMA lable – publishing of the world's largest music distributors iTunes and Spotify

2013 – the world premiere of Alexander sophiex music. Music is accessible to all people of the world through iTunes, Spotify, Google, Amazon, Deezer, 7Digital, Musicload, Ozon and other specialized resources.



WMA Label presents

The Best of Alexander Sophiex…….. Vol.1

2013 – establishment of the charitable Foundation for the support of inspired art INDIGO FUND

Alexander Sophiex music and pictures is used for therapeutic purposes, the largest international centers of health and beauty, including:

Institute of healing human academician Norbekov and the School of positive psychology Alexander Sviyash, the centers of which are located in Moscow. As well as the largest Russian companies with the concept of human health ATMA, BIEKO, RADOSVET, etc...

Composer music publish and present:

In Russia - the Moscow firm Videogurman is the largest Russian company specializing in the production of popular science audio-video programs.

In the U.S.A.  - the company WMA lable.

The territory of the entire planet, iTunes, Spotify, Google, Amazon, Deezer, 7Digital, Musicload, Ozon ….

Alexander Sophiex vebsites:


To purchase Alexander Sophiex music and  paintings can:

in Russia Moscow  - music  tel.(495) 640-08-27, (495) 640-08-67, (495) 788-3777

                                     Paintings +7 929 624 43 20

in Belarus: Representation Sophiex Music & Arts

                                    phone: +375 29 535-39-40 MTC

                                    phone: +375 29 135-39-40 VELCOM








+7 929 624 43 20


+375 29 535 39 40

+375 29 135 39 40


+7 926 896 71 16






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Sophiex music & arts

All Rights Reserved